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Title: Which Blade Runner Character Are You?
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Contact the author: KippleZone@Yahoo.com
I work best:
In a group/team
On my own
Given the choice, I would:
Choose the job that is stable and financially secure
Choose the job that offers variety/ travel, although slightly unstable/ insecure
It is important to me to:
Understand my feelings; I spend a lot of time looking inward
Move onward; I don't spend much time reflecting/ looking inward
Philosophical debates ("What is the meaning of existence?") interest me:
Very much
Very little
When faced with a decision, I am most likely to:
Pick/ choose quickly, often on an impulse
Analyze all options with care, so as to make the best choice
Tend to become indecisive
When assessing other people, I usually:
Have a rational explanation for my judgment
Rely more on a 'gut feeling'