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انواع تحقیق پروژه پاورپوینت مقاله و سایر فایلهای مجاز

خرید و دانلود فایلهای علمی

انواع تحقیق پروژه پاورپوینت مقاله و سایر فایلهای مجاز

Content-Aware Image Resizing Based on Color

Abstract—Image resizing is an important and useful operator in lots of applications such as dynamic change in the layout of web pages and transferring them to devices with different display resolutions. Resizing images effectively could not be achieved by use of simple geometric operators since they do not take content of the images into account and will resize any part of the image equally. A more intelligent resizing method must consider content of the image which tries to keep more important pixels in the resizing process. In this paper different approaches for content aware image resizing have been studied and two novel color based methods that improve this operator have been proposed. The results show that the important parts of the images kept more intact using thes ...

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