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انواع تحقیق پروژه پاورپوینت مقاله و سایر فایلهای مجاز

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انواع تحقیق پروژه پاورپوینت مقاله و سایر فایلهای مجاز

دانلود پاورپوینت انگلیسی 35 اسلایدی Operational research - methods and examples

          Surveys are frequently used in TB epidemiology •Sampling universe is the population: –Prevalence surveys –Tuberculin skin test surveys •Sampling universe is "all TB patients" –Proportion of diagnosed new TB patients with HIV test •Sampling universe is the number of culture positive TB patients –Drug resistance surveys برای دانلود کل پاپورپوینت از لینک زیر استفاده کنید: ...

ادامه مطلب ...

IEC 62349:2014:Guidance of measurement methods and test procedures – Basic tests for polarization-maintaining optical fibres IEC

IEC TR 62349:2014:Guidance of measurement methods and test procedures – Basic tests for polarization-maintaining optical fibres IE ...

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IEC 62715-6-1:2014-Flexible display devices – Part 6-1: Mechanical stress test methods

IEC 62715-6-1:2014-Flexible display devices – Part 6-1: Mechanical stress test methods ...

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IEC 60793:2014-Optical fibres – Part 1-52: Measurement methods and test procedures – Change of temperature tests

IEC 60793:2014-Optical fibres – Part 1-52: Measurement methods and test procedures – Change of temperature tests ...

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BS 7910:2013- Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures

BS 7910:2013- Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures 478 صفحه فهرست مطالب ContentsForeword viiiIntroduction 11 Scope 42 Normative references 43 Symbols and definitions 54 Types of flaw 145 General guidance on assessment 156 Information required for assessment 177 Assessment for fracture resistance 258 Assessment for fatigue 609 Assessment of flaws under creep and creep/fatigue conditions 9810 Assessment for other modes of failure 122AnnexesAnnex A (normative) Evaluation under mode I, II and III loads 129Annex B (informative) Assessment procedures for tubular joints in offshorestructures 134Annex C (informative) Fracture assessment procedures for pressure vessels andpipelines 141Annex D (normative) Stress due to misalignment 145Annex E (normative) ...

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دانلود پاورپوینت انگلیسی 35 اسلایدی Operational research methods and examples

        •"Defaulting from anti-tuberculous treatment in a teaching hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" (IJTLD 2004) •"A concurrent comparison of home and sanatorium treatment of PTB in South India" (BWHO 1959) •" 'Lost' smear positive PTB cases: where are they and why did we lose them?" (IJTLD 2005) برای دانلود کل پاپورپوینت از لینک زیر استفاده کنید: ...

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New Methods for Determining Capacity of Bottlenecks on Freeways

8 صفحه - PDF New Methods for Determining Capacity of Bottlenecks on FreewaysRahim F. Benekohal - Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignHani Ramezani - Graduate Research Assistant University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign چکیده مقاله:Accurate determination of capacity of bottlenecks is essential for proper traffic management in and around bottlenecks. Restrictions in roadway geometry or traffic composition, or implementation of new operational policies may create a chock-point on a freeway. Regardless of the cause of bottleneck, the effects are often congestion, queue, and increase in travel time. Bottlenecks may also create unsafe driving conditions and may increase the chance of rear-end collisions. This paper presents two new method ...

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