آموزش کامل دفاع گرونفلد توسط استادبزرگ لوبومیر محصول : چس بیس فرمت : chessbase مدت زمان آموزش 7 ساعت و21 دقیقه دی وی دی کامل نسخه کم حجم این فیلم را به راحتی میتوانید با نرم افزار چس بیس تماشا کنید The Gruenfeld Defence (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5) enjoys a special star status in the family of Indian openings. It involves a daring, active concept: fighting for control of the centre with an early d7-d5 thrust supported only by pieces. The ensuing lines and positions promise more active play than most openings. Black has to know the critical ideas and most promising plans as most lines are pretty sharp and concrete. Many top players have tried to “refute” the Gruenfeld, honourably failed and ended up defending its charms with remarkable success. The opening is fully co ...
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شنبه 6 شهریور 1395 ساعت 22:35