Nanoshells(NS): üThese are another recent invention.NS are miniscule beads coated with gold. üThe most useful nanoshells are those that absorb near infrared light that can easily penetrate Several centimeters in human tissuses. üAbsorption of light by nanoshells creates an intense heat that is lethal to cells. üIn laboratory cultures the heal generated by the light-absorbing nanoshells has successfully Killed tumor cells while leaving neighboring cells intact. &nb ...
دانلود کتاب INTRODUCTION TO ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY (EOR) PROCESSES AND BIOREMEDIATION OF OIL‐CONTAMINATED SITES 2012 فصول کتاب شامل: 1.Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes 2.The Application ofa New Polymeric Surfactant for Chemical EOR 3.Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery 4.Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs 5.Microorganisms and Crude Oil 6.Comprehensive Perspectives in Bioremediationof Crude Oil Contaminated Environments 7.Hydrocarbon Pollution: Effects on Living Organisms,Remediation of Contaminated Environments, and Effectsof Heavy Metals Co-Contamination on Bioremediation 8.Bioremediation of Crude Oil ContaminatedSoil by Petroleum-Degrading Active Bacteria 9.Microbial Outlook for the Bioremediationof Crude Oil Contaminated Environments 10.Crude Oil Metagenomics for Better ...