لینک و پرداخت دانلود * پایین مطلب * فرمت فایل : word ( قابل ویرایش ) تعداد صفحه : 5 فهرست General Principles Aims and Objectives Educational levels Educational Programs مقدمه The principles established in the 1988 Brazilian Constitution are the t guidelines for national education, according to which education is a right for l all, duty of the State and of the family, and is to be promoted with the collaboration of society, with the objective of fully developing the person, preparing the individual for the exercise of citizenship and qualifying him/her for work." The Federal Government is in charge of legislating on Guidelines and Bases for national education, coordinating and developing National Educationa ...
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چهارشنبه 31 شهریور 1395 ساعت 22:08